이제 번역도 끝났고..
빨리 취업 원서를 이곳 저곳에 넣어야 되는데...
하나 내고 나면, 인터뷰 소식이 들릴 때까지, 딴 데 넣고 싶은 마음이 안 생긴다 - .-
한 네 개쯤, 쓸 자리가 생겼음에도 불구하고...
아.. 질문에 대답하는 게 너무 귀찮다...
예를 들어 이런 거다.
Describe a time when you have worked closely with a group of people to achieve an objective? How did you interact with them? What did you do to ensure the group achieved its objectives? 250 words or less
Describe a recent time when have found yourself having to adapt to a completely new situation or environment. How did you feel about it? How did you respond? What specifically did you do? 250 words or less
Please explain why you believe a career as an international commercial banker is right for you, and what has influenced your choice. 250 words or less
250자 밖에 안 되는데... 우. 귀찮다.
누가 좀 대신 써 주면 좀 좋아.
이래서 신입사원 뽑는데는 넣기가 싫다니께로 - . -
앗싸! 홧팅!!!!!!!!!!!!!